MCE is a musical collective of artists; drawing, painting, murals, graphic design, photography, videography, but music is our passion! Fueled by the lessons learned from our greatest teachers and scholars, our sound is the life blood of the people; we inspire through our music and reach higher heights. Emcees Obafemi (Magnum) and Ced Adamz bring the culture and street wisdom through lyrical skills inspired by the everyday life struggles, ups and downs and the plight of Black people into the music. Soul singer Eshmelek provides a contrasting but harmonious flow to the group!


MCE has performed in places like Texas, Mississippi, and of course in the state of Arkansas, where they hail from!


Featured Music Videos and Playlists


Contact info: [email protected]
870-692-9842 Obafemi
870-727-2026 Ced Adamz


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